Welcome to my thoughts...even the sky is not the limit!

While I waited for my bus on the way home after work. Monday, February 2012. (mobile camera shot)

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Oh oh..this is getting serious and may end becoming a habit!!!!

... Yes I'm bit afraid now. That I won't pursue my other interests because blogging seems to be my number one habit at the moment. Maybe I may use too much time on blogging everyday that I may neglect all my other insterests...
...Or maybe it is just a reason I'm looking for to stop this blogging activity to pursue some other interests.
I don't know  whether I've written about my addiction: stopping my hobbies right in the middle, when it is going fantastic? Maybe not. Well that is what I've been doing for decades! Thinking about a new hobby, buying items related to the hobby, getting started, and stopping in the midway of everything, because it becomes boring? I use the excuse boring but the truth is that the activity becomes challenging. It is so much better to stop in time while everything is fun, rather than stopping because the challenge become huge to overcome?!! I believe in the latter real reason: it becomes challenging.

When everything is very new to us, we put our interest and time and energy to learn about a hobby, interest or even a person. We are enthusiastic about it and forget everthing around us. As time flies away, and we settle back to the ordinary circumstances, we do not resist to keep our enthisiasm high as when we started the new project. (let me call it a project whatever it could contain: a hobby, an interest, a person, a work related project etc. family)
We get back to our normal routines: going to work, eating, socialising, working, eating, socialising (do whatever in our free time) and sleeping. We find an excuse like "I really don't have time these days"  and start to neglect what we really want to be doing. Once we start to neglect our desires and interests and the valuable people around us, it is hard to get back to an positive mindset. Life becomes so trivial. So trivial that we sometimes stop up and think "I wish I had more time to pursue my interests" or "I wish I have used my time better for years back, now I regret that I let the time fly by, and I'm just here as I have been for the past 1, 2, 5, 10, or 30 years".

It is really hard to keep the enthusiasm on the right level all the way till we overcome the challenge or all the challenges and overcoming the challenges become our new habit/interest in our lives. I have told myself to pull my self together and keep improving myself. But most of the time I fail. I fall back to my very old habits and it takes quite long time to get back on the right track again.
These days I seem to have found an answer for this very bad habit: Undisciplined Mind.
I simply believe that my mind is so undisciplind that my mind takes over instead of listening to what I want it to do.
Blogging everyday is really hard. I don't have that time every day, but I really want to continue. I like it. My mind tells me to pursue other interests. But this time I will try to resist. Even a single line, it can not be that hard or time consuming?!

If you ever had this kind of battle with your mind, you will understand what I'm talking about today.
Try to use some time to observe how you think. I get surprised everyday - that it is possible to change the way you think, to change the way your mind want to you to think.
And start listening to your heart instead. If you like something, pursue your dreams and desires. It will feel good. And those days where the old habits look up and want to give you company, shut them out in the cold and never let them in. Then I'm sure that things will become so light, and amazing.

Today's person of my choice is: (Let me search for someone related to discipline the mind....)
... Of course it should be no one else than: Napoleon Hill
He said: "You need to deeply desire the goal or resolution."

He was right. True and deep desire will bring you to your dreams. I had the opportunity to read his book "Think and grow rich" last year. I may admit I didn't finish it as my bad habit and weak mind find all other excuses to not finish this wonderful book. At first look it will be around the money and wealth. But if you take a deeper look you will be able to apply the tools to every area in your life.
This year I really want to read that book again and take it more into my life.

You can shop the book here:
European viewers:
Canadian viewers:
All others sorry, please find your local book store on net :)

Have a nice evening.
Need some sleeeeep!!!
Good night :)


"Spindelvævslys" on my coffee table

"Spindelvævslys" on my coffee table
"Bonded Sculpture" -(mobile cam shot)

Flowers of week 3

Flowers of week 3
I couldn't stand for these beautiful burned red coloured roses with a "rust/antic" look (can not be seen on pictures)

Waiting for my train in CPH Central Station

Waiting for my train in CPH Central Station
I couldn't just stand there and look at this beautiful scenery without taking a picture with my mobile phone.

My Scrapbook

My Scrapbook
My Scrapbook on my coffee table

Weekly flowers

Weekly flowers
Flowers of week 2


One of my drawings