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While I waited for my bus on the way home after work. Monday, February 2012. (mobile camera shot)

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Being strong in Mind and Heart

Today's post is about being strong in mind and heart.
I was watching the television today and came across an interview where the host talks about how embarrassing people feel to be in the same room with people who is not mentally/physically well.
It brought me back to those days in primary school where we were the first coloured people in the school. We were chased for being different. I am not trying to say we were suffering that much as the disabled people but it was very close to.
So yes I can understand it a bit and can imagine some pictures for me of how those disabled people may feel.
But I also may admit that few times unconsiously I also could be able to take distance to disabled people, other coloured people etc. I may say I should be very embarassed now for those few times I didn't act any better than the average human being.
Be strong enough to talk to people who is different from ourselves is very tough. We keep us busy not to get involved with those people. What a pity. Ignorance is always a good excuse, isn't it?

Real strength is not about being a superman or woman. It is about the moment we do small actions which may bring great happiness to an individual. Most of the time we occupy ourselves with frightening or let me say limiting thoughts about what others may think if we talk to a person who is different from what is normally accepted in the environment we live in.

Being a coloured person living in a white society since my early childhood, I always have been thinking I'm different and does not belong to the society. But I never took any steps towards helping others who may feel in the same way cause of the same reasons as mine or other circumstances.

We keep ourselves busy and do not touch that particular area of ourselves which need to be strengthen. I wish I had made a difference earlier. But realising is never late.
Lot of years and chances are ahead of me to take great action on what I have been neglecting for years.
Now the question is do I have enough strength in mind and heart to not be a part of the daily day life and surroundings I have been witnessing so far in my life.
Small steps at a time, and everything should be possible. I do have great belief in this.

Will soon be updating how I have been acting in situations where ignorance has been the main key word so far.

Today's person of my choice: Deepak Chopra
Because he said beautifully: "The Law of Least Effort
Accept people, situations, and events as they occur. Take responsibility for your situation and for all events seen as problems. Relinquish the need to defend your point of view."
...in his book "The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success".
I can recommend it and it is a tiny book which can be read within few hours.


Take care

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