Welcome to my thoughts...even the sky is not the limit!

While I waited for my bus on the way home after work. Monday, February 2012. (mobile camera shot)

Saturday, January 7, 2012


Dear All,

Thanks for keep visiting my Thoughts and encouraging me to continue typing my Thoughts on this page.

Today I have chosen a subject to write few lines about. And it is: How important it is to dream - small or big does not matter. Be able to and have the will to dream is what does really matter in our lives!

When things take place in front of us, it is said that it is happening for the second time. The very first time an event happens, it takes place in our mind. Lot of books do talk about this particular subject, so I don't want to get deeper into this subject. You can get books and videos on this subject if you really are interested and want to know more about it. Check the links on this page to the right. Also some authors are mentioned here. And search the Internet on this particular subject.

If all event take place in our mind  before it really happens in front of us, it makes sense that we should watch our thoughts. From ancient wisdom till today's therapists all advise us to think positively in every aspects of our lives. 
We are all not privileged being born or being raised up in an utmost positive environment. Circumstances and incidents let us all feel the less brighter side of the life once or more in our lifetime. 
However, that we are capable of resisting the less brighter circumstances and keep our positive spirit on the right track is really important to determine what is going to happen next in our lives. We can not be 100% positive. I can not. Admitted. Despite I really want to be positive most of the time. 
If I can be aware of my thoughts when a particular less positive thought enters my mind, I've done half of the job to eliminate the less positive thought. The other half would be to replace the less positive thought with a more positive one. Or just not have any thought at all!
Sometimes it is hard to put a positive thought into our mind. Circumstances can be so tough that we feel more ease by being surrounded by self pity: How little justice we get, How little love we get in return, How little people really understand us, How less the world like us. There are plenty of reasons we can put up front and we just are too lazy to get ourselves out from these meaningless and let me say really really nonsense way of thinking.
But sometimes we allow these thoughts to get into us, and by being aware at the moment these thoughts enter our mind and decide that we don't want this kind of thoughts into our mind, we have done half of the job on the journey to be more positive. 

Replacing is hard, but with little exercise it should be possible. I always think about the most wonderful and amazing times in my life, with the love felt within my heart. Nothing can beat that feeling. When you are really happy you will feel a kind of love within you that is so special, that you can recall the feeling whenever you want to be happy again.
Whenever my mood beg me hardly to be surrounded by less positive thoughts and self pity  I use to recall those wonderful moments. 
Especially those wonderful bike rides in the nature during the Spring 2009 fill me with a really good feeling which always make me smile and recall all the pictures of the flowers, people, nature I use to pass by in sunshine, rain or in a tough windy day :) I love those pictures in my mind.

What is your pictures? Recall now and get a smile and a really good feel of love within you.
And it is possible to switch your mood to a better one. The decision is yours. Always yours, remember!

Once we have opened our doors for better and more positive thoughts we can start dreaming. Dream big. I Love to dream big, and within me I know for sure I deserve all what I dream about and that it will come in even a better way than how I use to think of. It is said that when having the right feel of love within us, when we dream, we manifest the particular dream into our life so easily. One day ago I wrote that Napolean Hill said: "You need to deeply desire the goal" remember? Why do you think prayers have infinitely power to give you what you ask for? Simply because you deep within yourself desires what you ask for. Remember this!
So start dreaming, big or small. Make it into a habit to dream everyday about what you really want your life to be and take steps towards your goals. You will need to do some work on the way to your goals. Nothing can be achieved by sitting in front of the TV and just pray. Dream and Pray then definitely a person or circumstances will come your way to fulfill your dream. You will just need to be aware and you will have to grab the opportunity when it comes.

Watch this song (with English subtitles) and let your self be in the present. Tomorrow is only a dream, Do remember it always, however allow yourself to dream!!!

Being in the present is another subject I will write about soon :)

"Naalai verum kanavu athai naan ean napamanum? Naan naddathum roja inrey pookanum" 
The latter part is equal to have believe in your dream at the moment you dream it. And it will manifests.
"100 kanavugal kandaaleay, 6 kanavugal palikkaatha.." :)
Just another amazing line I use to tell people when talking about dreams.

Enjoy the song! Enjoy the beauty of the scenes, lines and not least Aishwariya Rai for her stunning beauty! :)

Today's person of my choice: Martin Luther King Jr.
...For his "I have a dream" speech containing hopes, dreams for a better American society. Also considered as the best political speech of the 20th century.
Read the whole speech here:

Happy Saturday! :)


  1. Ya, your right.. without dreams, there's no imagination .. Everything Star with a dream in your mind. Examples: The Eiffel Tower in France, Opera House in Sidney, Big Ben in London, Taj Mahal in India etc...

    “Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal. Live this day as if it were your last. The past is over and gone. The future is not guaranteed.” -Wayne Dyer quotes

  2. I like the Wayne Dyer qoute so much!! :)
    Thanks for sharing.

    You are right, everything start with a dream!!


"Spindelvævslys" on my coffee table

"Spindelvævslys" on my coffee table
"Bonded Sculpture" -(mobile cam shot)

Flowers of week 3

Flowers of week 3
I couldn't stand for these beautiful burned red coloured roses with a "rust/antic" look (can not be seen on pictures)

Waiting for my train in CPH Central Station

Waiting for my train in CPH Central Station
I couldn't just stand there and look at this beautiful scenery without taking a picture with my mobile phone.

My Scrapbook

My Scrapbook
My Scrapbook on my coffee table

Weekly flowers

Weekly flowers
Flowers of week 2


One of my drawings