Welcome to my thoughts...even the sky is not the limit!

While I waited for my bus on the way home after work. Monday, February 2012. (mobile camera shot)

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Why is planning tough? Once planned, sticking to the plans and the time schedule is more tough...
I recall that I already wrote a post re planning, and how much I am struggling..It seems like I felt back again... anyways..need to get up and stick to the plans :)

Attached a photo of the Tulips ...Liek the way they seek towards the heat from the television...
Take a look.

Have a good night!


"Spindelvævslys" on my coffee table

"Spindelvævslys" on my coffee table
"Bonded Sculpture" -(mobile cam shot)

Flowers of week 3

Flowers of week 3
I couldn't stand for these beautiful burned red coloured roses with a "rust/antic" look (can not be seen on pictures)

Waiting for my train in CPH Central Station

Waiting for my train in CPH Central Station
I couldn't just stand there and look at this beautiful scenery without taking a picture with my mobile phone.

My Scrapbook

My Scrapbook
My Scrapbook on my coffee table

Weekly flowers

Weekly flowers
Flowers of week 2


One of my drawings