Welcome to my thoughts...even the sky is not the limit!

While I waited for my bus on the way home after work. Monday, February 2012. (mobile camera shot)

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Enjoying my Sunday...
Planning to run 4 km this evening. I better start running again. Next race is on 3rd Sept. - DHL 5x5km Riley.
I've started my new hobby: drawing. And got so hooked that I am spending all my time on it. I've so many ideas but not the time to implement it. But I will catch them all :-)
Lately I've been busy reading "You were born rich" by Bob Proctor (Danish version: "Født til rigdom"). The English version is available on author's website: bobproctor.com
I enjoyed the later chapters very much.
Especially the view we normally have on getting/having money.
I like the new view and concept about money: It is your birthright to have money. It is simply the basic right for every human.
Seeing how true it is, make this new view more eatable.

I've also been one among those who says money is not everything. But I understand that money is one of the thing that makes you live your life to the fullest!
I see those who look at money with ease, have a wonderful life, and those who give too much importance to money or say they don't need money, don't have that much success in their life.

It really is a different view, and therefore the chances to get mistaken is huge. But who cares. It is all about my happiness, my life. People's prejudice doesn't affect me any longer :-)

I will be back with more of this readings once I have read this subject to an extent.
My next reading is by the famous Napoleon Hill: "Think and Grow Rich".

PS: I've attached my latest ongoing project: drawing:-)

Enjoy your Day!


  1. that's cool that you are working on drawing as a hobby. i have been doing art on and off again myself - good way to pass boring summers (and classes) i suppose.
    money as a birthright? I'm not sure about that statement because money has no intrinsic value.

  2. I didn't know you were into art also...it is a good time passing furthermore I enjoy it, to see the improvements...and getting new ideas etc...

    True money has no intrinsic value, but you need it to have a comfortable life...It is the whole view about money that should be changed...Once you have more than enough money and at same time you understand that money is only a part to live a comfortable life, then you have understood the whole concept.
    People give up on money by saying it is not the important thing...but to live a luxurious life without any worries about how to afford the next dream, it really makes life easy. I underline: the understanding of money is one of the part making life easygoing in every aspects. :-)


"Spindelvævslys" on my coffee table

"Spindelvævslys" on my coffee table
"Bonded Sculpture" -(mobile cam shot)

Flowers of week 3

Flowers of week 3
I couldn't stand for these beautiful burned red coloured roses with a "rust/antic" look (can not be seen on pictures)

Waiting for my train in CPH Central Station

Waiting for my train in CPH Central Station
I couldn't just stand there and look at this beautiful scenery without taking a picture with my mobile phone.

My Scrapbook

My Scrapbook
My Scrapbook on my coffee table

Weekly flowers

Weekly flowers
Flowers of week 2


One of my drawings